New Heavy Electronics Saturn Demo!!

Another really killer demo video from Brendan, John and Jeff.  This time Brendan takes the Heavy Electronics Saturn and demonstrates us just how musical a Ring Mod can sound in the right hands.

For more info on this versatile and musical Ring modulator, please click here.

B.Y.O.C. Super8 Programmable Looper in stock now!

The BYOC Super8 is a programmable 8 channel true bypass looper and we have it in stock as a kit and can build one up for you as a Pre-built Pedal as well.

Pound for pound, it is the most advanced looper on the market. It has 8 fully accessible loops, not just 2 banks of 4 loops like other "8 channel" loopers. It has 32 programmable user presets that can be saved on its internal memory for up to 40 years without power. It measures less than 10 inches in length so you have more room on your pedal board for pedals. It has separate normal and buffered inputs. It has pop-free, true bypass, relay switching. And all of this is controlled by only 5 soft-touch footswitches, which once you understand how it works, is actually a more intuitive and physically easier to use interface than the dozen or so discrete footswitches it would have required to control and program all these features (and it makes the super8 much smaller!).

Empress Nebulus Modulation Pedal Demo

Brendan Mowat-Smith puts forth a truly excellent demo of the Empress Nebulus with some serious CanCon footage to boot.

The Nebulus brings guitarists high quality chorus, flanger and vibrato effects in a really compact 4.5 by 3.5 inch pedal.  To increase the tone range even further 3 variations on each effect are available for a total of 9 tweakable modes. All this flexibility is easy to access via a preset system capable of storing up to 8 different presets.

For more info, please click here.


Please click to check out the new line of Eastwood Guitars

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We are very picky about the product lines we carry here.  They must have great tone, stellar reliability and the right vibe.  Thus far, We are very impressed by all of the manufacturers we deal with .  In addition, the manufacturers we carry all have one big thing in common:  They are all Super-creative People that are fun and easy to deal with!