Arctic Wolf Twin Modulator has landed!

Dogmatek Effects pedals produce quality analogue effects pedals that push the boundaries of creation and tone.

Designed by Tim Prebble in New Zealand from his workshop out the back of the house. Tim has a long history of audio repair, modification and design. Having repaired and modified many effects and analog synths Tim saw a need for powerful analog effects. The highly anticipated Arctic Wolf is the first in a line of effects.

New Fuzzrocious pedals!!!!

3, count them! 3 new pedals from our buds at Fuzzrocious!!

1) KNOB JAWN is the first pedal on the market (that we know of) that has BOTH analog and digital octaving in a single enclosure. This means that the user is able to have a monophonic, dirty analog octave up and polyphonic, cleaner digital octave up and down!

2) BABY FURNACE is the mini version touting just the ripping, gated fuzz section of the BLAST FURNACE.

3) Playing Mantis is the perfect pedal for players who enjoy standing out from the crowd. You will not sound like anyone else because this pedal is special.

Caroline Guitar Company Hawaiian Pizzas have arrived hot and ready!!

At this advanced age (lolz), I am likely one of the most critical ears there is when it comes to evaluating fuzz pedals. Don't get me wrong, i love fuzz with some passion, but I am admittedly non-plussed by the a lot of the boutique 3-knob fuzzes that are carbon copy clones of vintage fuzzes that many lesser companies, that we tend to avoid dealing with, churn out.  CGC is not one of those companies and The Hawaiian Pizza is not one of those pedals.  It is a glorious thing.  Harmonically rich beyond what you might think is even possible. In a nutshell, i love it.  Check out the demo:

and this demo as well if you want a different take on it.


Please click to check out the new line of Eastwood Guitars

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We are very picky about the product lines we carry here.  They must have great tone, stellar reliability and the right vibe.  Thus far, We are very impressed by all of the manufacturers we deal with .  In addition, the manufacturers we carry all have one big thing in common:  They are all Super-creative People that are fun and easy to deal with!