Kink Guitar Pedals Russian Plague


The Russian Plague is a doom player's dream come true.

Kink have been following the gear that doom players have been using for some time now…This is the result. A modified Turbo Rat circuit stacked into an untouched Civil war Muff circuit. What comes out when you slam down on those true bypass foot switches, is massive fuzz sustain for days.  Whether you love stacking a distortion into a fuzz, or a fuzz into a distortion, the Russian Plague has you covered. The toggle switch on the top of the pedal will allow you to stack these effects in whatever order you like.

Artwork on this pedal was completed by All Things Rotten. Check them out here.

Dims: 95mm x 125mm x 63mm

Uses 9V negative center power supply.

Please click to check out the new line of Eastwood Guitars

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