Dwarfcraft Devices Ghost Fax Phase Computer HAS ARRIVED!

Dwarfcraft are calling Ghost Fax a phase computer for a reason. Though traditionally an analog effect, it wouldn’t be a Dwarfcraft phaser if they didn’t add some new capabilities, along with the traditional features.

Check it out in detail here.

Reverb Refer-a-Friend $10 off deal

We have been successfully using Reverb.com to clear out older stock and used items for some time and recently we have added up a lot of new stock there as well.

For a limited time, Reverb is offering $10 towards your first purchase, if you visit to the site via this link.

Empress Effects Tape Delay Demo Reel

See what I did there ^ :)

Possibly the best demo video yet from Brendan, John and Marlon.  This video profiles the Empress Effects Tape Delay and also has bonus footage of the elusive Algonquin Park Toilet Bear in it's native habitat.

For more info on this seriously musical tape delay emulator, please click here.


Please click to check out the new line of Eastwood Guitars

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We are very picky about the product lines we carry here.  They must have great tone, stellar reliability and the right vibe.  Thus far, We are very impressed by all of the manufacturers we deal with .  In addition, the manufacturers we carry all have one big thing in common:  They are all Super-creative People that are fun and easy to deal with!