Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian


The Wren and Cuff Tall Font Russian is a stellar Green Sovtek Big Muff Replica.

Compared to the Civil war Muffs, the highs are more present and clear in the Tall Fonts resulting in an openness in the highs unique to this pedal. They’re generally not as dark sounding, which gives them a slight gritty edge not found in the Civil war muffs. Some dislike this trait but there is a rudeness to them that sets the TF’s apart from the Civil-War Big Muff.

The boxy-growl of these pedals helps make them particularly great on bass, and fantastic for raunchy, less friendly guitar tones ala The Black Keys, White Stripes, Mars Volta, and many others seeking a nasty snarl.  With many other desirable muff style pedals (and our Tri Pie 70’) the goal is warm, smooth and buttery, but the TFR has a different goal in mind. There is a growl and raunchy yet truly musical sound produced by these ugly green beasts. The lows have an overdrivey compression that keeps things tight, and the highs have a rich upper-harmonic thing going on that’ll make one understand the affection some have for this pedal. The mids have the standard muff-scoop but it is not as pronounced as some of the other generations. Add to that a less gainy/fuzzy tone overall and you end up with a unique muff with a character all its own. 

the TFR features:

• True hard-wire mechanical bypass
• Standard “Boss-style” 9VDC (-) tip power supply jack or 9V batt operated
• Small foot-print
• The best jacks available mounted off the circuit board
• Alpha pots
• CLIFF brand foot-switch
• Genuine USA Davies “Daka-ware” knobs
• Expert clean, tight, wiring that makes the insides just as beautiful as the outside
• Incredible attention to detail

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