B.Y.O.C. Large Beaver (Russian) Kit


Spot-on tone with the added flexibility of a tone bypass and a scooped/flat/hump mids selector switch has made the Build Your Own Clone Large Beaver the standard for vintage Muff Clones for over a decade.

2N5088 transistors and high quality metal film resistors and capacitors provide all the tone of the original Green Russian Muff, but with much less noise.

<Build Instructions>

** Price listed includes a red LED, 3 BYOC knobs, black AC Jack, your choice of a bare enclosure or painted enclosure and all parts needed to build the pedal.

Please click to check out the new line of Eastwood Guitars

We are very picky about the product lines we carry here.  They must have great tone, stellar reliability and the right vibe.  Thus far, We are very impressed by all of the manufacturers we deal with .  In addition, the manufacturers we carry all have one big thing in common:  They are all Super-creative People that are fun and easy to deal with!